Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter Solstice group run 2015

For the third year in a row I've had the pleasure of organizing a group trail run to mark the winter solstice (or whatever weekend day is closest!). This year we headed out to Olympic National Park and went ~10 miles up the Hoh River to the Hoe Lake trail junction, just past the Olympus Ranger Station.

Of note, the trail has multiple large washouts and a few swampy sections from the recent flooding (there are probably five sections of shin-deep water that vary from 30ft long to close to 75ft); ~10 large blowdowns as well.

Thanks as always to the guys for coming out.

Tony, Will, Michael, Matthew, Ian, Luke, Kevin, Ray (missing photog Dave)
Hoh River; every gravel bar had groups of recently-washed-up blowdowns
A sample of the five or so swamps covering the trail 
Bear prints lasted about a mile along the trail
One of the large blowdown-washout combos
The blowdown and washout from the bottom
Near the Olympus Ranger Station meadows, looking up toward point 5200'+
Fording the stream was considerably easier, Ian! Michael's photo
Olympus Ranger Station
Hoh rain forest; Kevin's picture
Matthew in the Hoh rain forest
This group of elk hung out at the five-mile meadows all day
Hoh rain forest; Dave's photo
Will's photo collage

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