Saturday, January 3, 2015

Winter in Plain

As winter rolls in many of the Entiat-area roads close to vehicles and turn into nordic/snowmobile trails. We only saw five snowmobiles and mostly had the entire day to ourselves. It was fun to see the Plain area in a new season and I'd love to get back there again during another clear spell.

Road 6101 is bermed at the junction with 6102 (just past Deep Creek), so we parked there and went up to Maverick Saddle where Ethan and I made a quick trip south on the Sugarloaf road and then did a little schwack up to the top of the ridge. We were aiming for point 5260' but didn't quite make it far enough south before heading up. The top of the ridge was an old burn, so there were too many downed trees to try moving south on the ridge top. With Kate waiting at the saddle, we headed back down and it was off to The Diner...

Kate skinning; Enchantment area with Cashmere in the background
Chiwawa Ridge and Glacier Peak, I think, getting some sun
Ethan and Kate
Enchantment area, Cashmere and Stuart in back
Ethan @ Beyond the Ranges
On the ridge above Sugarloaf road
Heading back to Maverick Saddle
Whittier Peak (l) and Mt. David (r)
The Chiwaukum Range
Maverick Saddle
Chiwaukum (r) to the Enchantments, with Big Jim and Cashmere prominent in between
Looking over the Glacier Peak Wilderness 100 route


  1. Awesome pictures. Looks like you had some nice lighting. Are you a skier as well?

    1. If Ethan had his way I would be :) . I just had boots on until the off-trail stuff where I used snowshoes (x-mas delivery).
